Stay Dry and Worry-Free with AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT!

 Have you ever had your day ruined by an unexpected downpour or a sudden spill on your favorite gadget? We’ve all been there – the frustration of dealing with water damage and the costly consequences it brings. But worry no more! Say hello to AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT – the revolutionary product that will change the way you experience water.

The Ultimate Shield Against Water Damage

AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT is a state-of-the-art solution designed to keep you and your belongings dry, no matter the weather. Powered by advanced water-repellent chemical compounds, this incredible product creates an invisible shield around your valuables, making them practically impervious to moisture and spills. From electronic devices to clothing, bags, and even shoes, AQUAREPELL has got you covered! 

AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize the way you stay dry. Powered by advanced Japanese Waterproofing Technology chemical compounds, this remarkable product offers unparalleled protection against water damage, rain or shine. Embrace the magic of staying dry with confidence as AQUAREPELL creates an invisible shield around your belongings, ensuring they remain safeguarded from moisture and spills. Whether it’s your gadgets, fashion accessories, or outdoor gear, AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT is the ultimate defense you can trust. Discover the science behind its power and elevate your waterproofing game to a whole new level. Download the datasheet to know more.

Click here to know about our other Japanese Waterproofing Technology products.

Table of Contents

AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT picture with Japanese man

Typical Application of Aquarepell:

Surface Preparation for Water Repellent–

Clean the surface with Hard broom/Brush or compressed air to ensure that it is free from any loose dust or oil.
Any damaged surface with suitable system.


Apply one liberal coat by brush until saturation
For highly porous substrates apply 2 back to back coats for better results

Product Features:

Ready to use
Clear Coat does not change appearance of Surface.
Very good penetration in substrate
Water permeable
AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT picture with Japanese man
AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT picture with Japanese man

Application Instructions:

Charge cement & aggregates to concrete mixer as per the mix design, mix in dry state for 1–2 minutes.
Start addition of 75–80% mixing water & mix for 2-3 minutes.
AQUASOL - LW is added as per the recommended dosage into the remaining mixing / gauging water, then add to concrete mixer & mix for another 2 minutes.
Place the concrete or apply plaster, as needed.
Cure the applied mortar or concrete as per good construction practices.


200 ml per 50 kg bag of cement

Shelf Life

Best before 2 years from the date manufacture when in sealed pack and stored under proper condition
Store in a cool & dry place.

Precautions & Limitations

Do not add AQUASOL - LW directly to dry cement & aggregate mix
Maintain water-cement ratio as low as possible.
Do not increase the dosage of AQUASOL - LW than the recommendation.
AQUAREPELL WATER REPELLENT picture with Japanese man


DISCLAIMER: The product information & application details given by the company & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve only as a general guideline during usage. Users are advised to carry out tests & take trials to ensure on the suitability of products meeting their requirement prior to full scale usage of our products. Since the correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials used and the on-site workmanship are factors beyond our control, there are no expressed or implied guarantee / warranty as to the results obtained. The company does not assume any liability or consequential damage for unsatisfactory results, arising from the use of our products.

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